Camping can be as minimal for extravagant an experience as you please; whatever suits your personality. Our family once went camping with two other families and the differences between the campsites couldn't have been more vast. One family had brought the bare necessities to enjoy a comfortable time in the woods. The other family, or rather the wife and mother, had brought along a very nice throw rug to put in front of their tent. She brought a vase and flowers to place on top of her picnic table that was covered by a beautiful linen tablecloth. She treated us all to a very elaborate brunch one morning that included champagne in chilled glasses.
This was all exceptionally nice, but definitely over the top for me and I would guess for many others campers. But this example illustrates the length one can go to if they so choose.What to Bring On Your Camping Trip
A week or so before you head out on your camping trip start making a camping list of all the things you use on a daily basis. Simple things like toothpaste or deodorant can be easily overlooked when packing if not jotted down. If your chosen campsite is not in close proximity to a convenience store this could make for an uncomfortable get away.
Then there are the things you don't use on a regular basis that will be needed at the campsite. A good quality tent, air mattresses, sleeping bags, a cookstove, lanterns, flashlights and batteries are all basic camping gear. Cots can be nice addition for the older members of your family or if you are camping in areas where the ground is not level.
Making Meals At Your Campsite
When it comes to meal preparation, I like to go through the menu I have planned for the week or weekend, whatever length of time we will be away, and then mentally go through the utensils, pots and pans needed to prepare the meals.
Meats can be frozen and placed in an ice chest that will not be opened often, helping to keep them fresh. When camping for long periods of time, you will want to use the food that has a tendency to spoil more quickly first.
Around The Campfire
The campfire is one of the best parts of camping. We sit with our family and friends telling tales, being hypnotized by the flames and the stories. A few things to add to your camping supply list would be folding chairs, marshmallow roasters, a fire poker, a hatchet to split wood, newspaper and matches to get the fire started.
Family Activities
Gathering the toys you will be playing with while on your vacation is very important. Fishing poles and tackle, water toys, games, cards, binoculars for bird watching - whatever you and yours enjoy doing while you have this quality downtime.
These suggestions are by no means complete, but it should help get you started on your camping packing list and trigger the important items you will need on your camping vacation.