There are all sorts of scenarios where your might need to get a passport replacement very rapidly. Your old one might have expired and then something comes up unexpectedly that requires you to leave the country. Someone in your family might become seriously ill or have an accident. Alternatively, something might crop up at work that means you need to get on a plane in a hurry. If your existing passport is lost or stolen, you may need to get an emergency passport replacement.
Missing Passport
If your passport is stolen or lost, you are required to report it right away. If you are inside the United States, you may report the loss by telephone to the US State Department on a toll-free telephone number. If you are out of the country, contact the nearest US Consulate or Embassy. After making the telephone call, you will need to complete and sign a Form DS-64 'Statement Regarding a Lost or Stolen Passport'. This form may be downloaded over the Internet or obtained from an Acceptance Facility or passport Agency.
Legal Forms
Form D-64 has to be completed using black ink and it must be legible. Answer every question as accurately and completely as you can. If you are later found to have given false information, you may be fined or sent to prison.
Online Forms
After you complete the form DS-64, the next thing you need to do is to fill in Form DS-11, Application for a United States Passport. This may be obtained over the Internet, or from a passport Agency. You will need to answer some basic questions, fill in your contact details, the names of your parents and simple information about what you look like. You will need to answer questions about what country you intend to visit, any previous names by which you may have been known in the past, whether you have had a previous passport. You will also be asked to provide emergency contact details.
Hand Delivered Forms
You may not submit form DS-11 by mail. You must deliver it in person. Do not sign the form until asked to do so by an authorized Acceptance agent. If the passport is needed within four weeks so you can obtain a visa from another country, or within two weeks for international travel, you will need to make an appointment at the Regional Passport Agency.
Proof of Citizenship
As well as the DS-11 form, you must bring proof of American citizenship. This can be in the form of a birth overseas, proof of naturalization or a certified copy of your birth certificate. This will feature a multicolored, raised or embossed seal as well as the signature of the registrar.
In addition to DS-11 and proof of citizenship, you must bring a current form of identification. This can be a previously, undamaged United States passport, a driver's license, government or military ID or a naturalization certificate. You will also need to bring a passport photograph, a photocopy of your current ID and the necessary processing fee.